
Showing posts from April, 2018

Funny Vintage Ads (13)

Advertising has always been an interesting way to look at history. But when you see these vintage advertisements, the past seems a lot weirder than you thought. 🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻 This ad is from the early 20th century when there was a bubonic plague outbreak in San Francisco. This outbreak was strongly associated with Chinatown since the first victim was of Asian origin and this caused an Anti-Chinese backlash. This racist image perpetuated a long-held belief among some Americans that the Chinese ate live rats. 🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻 "Only Dead Roaches are Good Roaches." Winnie's kitchen is crawling with roaches, but she's not worried. She has a big smile on her face as she blasts them with a toxic cloud of DDT.  🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻 "Men are so stubborn! John longs for coffee . . . even though he knows the caffeine keeps him awake. And foolishly, he insists: decaffeinated coffee can't be good....

Funny Vintage Ads (12)

Advertising has always been an interesting way to look at history. But when you see these vintage advertisements, the past seems a lot weirder than you thought. 🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻     "Carbo-Magno stimulates the scalp, nourishes the tissues, and vitalizes the hair bulbs. The head is rehaired by an antiseptic vapor from our patent Hat Sheath, worn in the hat." Sounds simple enough, but if the hair in the picture is an example of the results from this "snake-oil" you might want to reconsider.  🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻   Wow! Only $3.97 for a record and 6 pairs of granny panties. Who could resist? 🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻    This kit allowed kids to cast their own lead figures. It can't be sold these days, because exposure to lead poses serious health issues, especially for young children. 🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻   Hey Sugar! Nice snow balls. 🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻...